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MikroTik Traffic Control with LABS
DNS on MikroTik
1- Intro to MikroTik DNS (2:29)
2- Lab 1 – Configure DNS on the MikroTik Router Part1 (16:59)
3- Lab 1 – Configure DNS on the MikroTik Router Part2 (10:02)
DHCP on MikroTik: DHCP options, DHCP Snooping & DHCP Relay
4- Introduction to DHCP on MikroTik (4:49)
5- LAB 2 – Configure the MikroTik router as a DHCP server with Option 121 - Part 1 (17:00)
6- LAB 2 – Configure the MikroTik router as a DHCP server with Option 121 - Part 2 (9:39)
7- LAB 3 - Protect your network with DHCP Snooping (20:29)
8- LAB4 – Configure DHCP relay on MikroTik routers (20:08)
How the packets flow in MikroTik
9- Introduction to Packet Flow on MikroTik (2:25)
10- MikroTik Packet Flow - Explanation (14:57)
11- MikroTik Packet flow - Examples (12:36)
Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)
12- Introduction to the MikroTik Firewall (1:53)
13- Overview of the Firewall on the MikroTik RouterOS (17:33)
14- LAB 5 - Disabling Connection Tracking on the MikroTik Router (13:03)
15- What are the connection states availble on the MikroTik RouterOS (9:13)
16- LAB 6 – Protect your MikroTik router using connection state in the Firewall (20:44)
17- LAB7 – Use the Firewall to Protect your MikroTik router from Ping flood (15:18)
18- LAB 8 – Accept important ICMP Message types in your MikroTik Firewall (22:14)
19- LAB 9 – Block Bogon IP addresses on MikroTik Firewall (8:13)
20- LAB 10 – Drop port scan attacks using the MikroTik firewall (16:04)
21- LAB 11 – Block Syn Flood and DDOS using the MikroTik Firewall (19:40)
22- LAB 12 – Use MikroTik RAW firewall to protect your Network (9:39)
23- LAB13 – Redirect DNS traffic to the router’s DNS (12:16)
24- LAB 14 – Changing the destination address using Dst-nat (7:50)
25- LAB 15 – Use Mangle to mark connections and packets (17:28)
26- LAB 16 – Use Mangle Hide your router IP address when doing traceroute (7:44)
MikroTik Web Proxy
27- Introduction to Web-Proxy on the MikroTik Router (2:35)
28- LAB 17 – Configure a transparent web-proxy on the Mikrotik router (11:14)
Quality of Service (QOS) on MikroTik using HTB queue trees - The full story
29- Introduction to QOS on MikroTik (2:36)
30- Understand how HTB QOS works and what is the function of the priority in the Queues (19:54)
31- LAB 18 – Configure HTB queue tree on MikroTik router - Part1 (12:37)
32- LAB 18 – Configure HTB queue tree on MikroTik router - Part2 (12:09)
33- Understand the Queue types available on MikroTik (FIFO-SFQ-RED-PCQ) (13:37)
34- LAB 19 - Configure PCQ Queue Tree on MikroTik (15:27)
10- MikroTik Packet Flow - Explanation
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