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MikroTik Network Management with LABS
MikroTik Kid Control
1-Introduction to MikroTik Kid Control (1:33)
2-Configuring Kid Control on MikroTik (28:12)
MikroTik Neighbor Discovery
3-Introduction to MikroTik Neighbor Discovery (1:19)
4-Configuring Neighbor Discovery on MikroTik (17:00)
Router Management Overlay Network (RoMON)
5- Introduction to MikroTik RoMON (2:03)
6- Configuring RoMON on MikroTik Routers (17:47)
7- Configuring RoMON over EOIP Tunneling (10:30)
IP Cloud System Back on MikroTik
8- Introduction to MikroTik System Cloud Backup (1:26)
9- Configuring MikroTik System Cloud backup on MikroTik w-o script (20:11)
MikroTik application for smart phones/tablets
10- Introduction to MikroTik Mobile App (1:26)
11- Downloading and installing MikroTik Mobile App on smart phones (Android vs IOS) (16:48)
MikroTik USB Management
12-Introduction to MikroTik USB Management (2:37)
13- MikroTik USB Flash Drive for logging (12:20)
14- Adding a new Ethernet port using an USB to LAN adapter (9:38)
15- MikroTik USB - Lte 4G connection (14:53)
MikroTik Server Message Block (SMB)
16- Introduction to MikroTik SMB (1:42)
17- Configuring SMB on MikroTik Routers (18:12)
13- MikroTik USB Flash Drive for logging
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